A Mural by Maya
Turns a Wall into a Magical Journey Transporting You Into Another Place..
Murals by Maya
Create a Vision
Free Consultation. mayasoaringsun@gmail.com
Wall Size Murals
Rec Room Lighthouse
Realty Office Desk Scene 
Bathroom Tropical Reef
Rec Room Inlet
Health Center Sunset

Bedroom Ocean View
Stairway Foyer Marsh
Detail Activities Desk

Outdoor Shower Dolphin Love
Outdoor Shower Mermaid
Outdoor Shower NC Sea Life

Magical Child’s Room 
Kitchen Garden Backsplash
Elevator Classic Yacht
Retaining Wall Playful Ocean
Veterinary Hallway Rural Farm Scene 
Restaurant Dining Room Jungle
Mexican Restaurant Market Mural
Nutcracker Ballet Scenic Design
Land of the Sweets
Christmas Eve Living Room
Email Maya
CoCreate Your Mural Vision