Maya Soaringsun is a Visionary Artist whose vivid impressionist paintings reveal a Living Consciousness  expressing beyond and within the captivating beauty of the natural world. An animating energy of otherwise invisible moving forces, congruent within nature, seem to come alive influencing the visual spectrum into dimensions of perception rarely considered.  

I seek through art to influence and awaken our perception of reality…to make the meta-conscious fields visible reveal what underlies everything and open the door to expansive perceptual possibilities we all Innately share, assisting the shift of collective agreement into Unity Consciousness with the Living Forces of Nature.

Father hands over brushes… mother offers a tube of paint!

                                               The Beginning

Born into the lives of two impressionist painters, as this photo reveals, I began downloading art very early!  At age 7 my mother guided me through my first oil painting, a still life of apples and candles.

The continuing early years of ‘art instruction’ came from the observation of my father, a Danish immigrant artist, renowned impressionist painter, and internationally known cartoonist featured in many contemporary magazines and journals of the 60s. The freedom and finesse of his strokes, his quick acuity to interpret form, brilliant vivid artistry in watercolor, oil paint, or just a pencil sketch…became a lifelong influence.

Art Major training began at San Francisco State in the early 70’s when explorations in consciousness was much more appealing than the intimidating art departments.  I was also instinctively reluctant to have anyone influence my Innate knowing of how I perceived art. It was independent study with an artist that knew my father, therefore had an insight into how to guide me, that was the turning point in releasing the natural impressionist style I was born into.  I then traveled Europe to integrate into my soul every impressionist master I could find, from Picasso in Barcelona, to the Louvre, to Montmartre, from the Sistine Chapel to Florence… I studied.  My sketch book disappeared from a bench in Montmartre…hopefully to an appreciative recipient…or laid with the memory of the impressionist painters who preceded me!

As a young, now independent, artist I faced the void of how do I live in the financial demands of society.  A portrait artist was needed in a summer theme park, so  I sketched a few pastel portraits and was hired. Making a few hundred dollars a day creating the likeness of a human in colorful interpretations cemented the knowing that I would always work as an artist.

The mystic eye of a visionary was also awakened during this time in the Ozark Mountains. A strong kundalini surge seems to have activated the third eye to ‘see’. Expanded peripheral visions began to reveal magical illusive imagery in impressionist nature paintings. In spiritual readings I found ‘Maya’ means ‘life is a magical, illusory show’ …just as the paintings were revealing… so I became ‘Maya’. 

Many art adventures have followed, from painting signs, murals, designing t- shirts, painting clothes, teaching, watercolors, acrylic scenes, commercial art, exploring expressions, oil paintings, galleries, art markets, even bobbing in a dinghy lettering boat transoms… nothing for certain but always creating… always evolving. I have and continue to follow the path of a life long artist…visionary…dreamer

At this time I devote my art to serve in the Awakening of MultiDimensional Consciousness through perceiving the Illusive Magic of Nature.